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Folder Redirection query

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Hi guys,


I've noticed on our system that our user's home drive folders while being successfully re-directed to our main file server, the names of some of the users are not showing up with their name.


To give an example would be Joe Blogg's home drive folder shows up as Jack Black on the user$ share we have, where all user home files are stored. Yet when you go into said folder, you get the correct user's name displayed in the file path.


I don't recognise the folder icon being displayed either, so not sure what it means.


Also, its worth mentioning that we archive off user's data when they leave, the data is shifted off the main file server and onto a Netgear NAS box for archive purposes, so its on a totally separate box. BUT, when I changed the folder name on the Netgear box......all the named folders on the main file server changed too to reflect the name change?? How can that happen when they are on totally separate network devices? Are they "connected" somehow?? As it stands just now, I have to go through all the folders in the attached screenshot till I get to the right folder for a leaver before I can archive off the data.


Has anyone ever seen anything like this before? I've attached a small screenshot for review.





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Found a workaround for now.


If I deny read access to the desktop.ini file within the user's home drive folder, it displays the folder correctly on the share. Not ideal having to go through 28 user folders, but, I guess it will do for now. Way to go Microsoft, apparently they say this is a "feature" from several articles I've read on this topic.

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