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SCUP Catalogs for SUP


Hello All,


I was just looking for some advice. I just installed System Center Updates Publisher 4.5 on the same server as my SCCM. Everything works fine, created self signed Certs to be able to publish the data etc.. Found the URL for Adobe's catalog files, created a new vendor for Adobe and flagged bother versions of Flash player, published them and was able to sync them to my SCCM SUP. Everything shows up great, what clients are in need or have already downloaded the patch. Same setup as if you were deploying Windows Updates.


Here is my question, does anyone know of a way to get a catalog file for Firefox?? Deploying a silent package of this is a pain, gotta extract the setup file for each new version (Which is like twice a month...) and create a custom 7-Zip package to deploy to clients silently. Also maybe any other vendors like Java, or possibly catalogs for Acrobat. If anyone knows of any sites with info would be great. I looked at M$ sites regarding this and they say they only support Dell, HP, Intel and Citrix which is a lie because I have adobe working just fine. I do remember Adobe being one of those partners but just isn't listed anymore.



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setup.exe -ms will install FireFox silently after you rename the firefox setup.exe file


no need for any other package maker to do that.. but i see your point, having to update it regularly could be a pain, I would tend to only upgrade apps when a security problem requires it or for functionality reasons,


I would suggest you contact the good folks at FireFox and ask them if they can assist with some SCUP implementation



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The Adobe Catalog is free and once you register your intent to use it they email you the links to get the cab from.


Note with SCUP 2011, It also comes with HP, DELL and Adobe Partner Catalogs.


As for JAVA catalog it seems you have to pay shavlik.com for a cab that includes it...


i know ... the cheek of them ....charging for a scup cab for someone elses software updates...


will continue thralling around to find another way or source for either making a java catalog or maybe someone else has a free one.

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