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UDI Deployment not finding supported NTFS volumes

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I setting up a UDI OS deployment but whenever I go through the wizard when I PXE boot the device, i get to the volumes page and get stuck. I can choose the image but not a volume to install the OS on. At the bottom of the wizard it says "No supported NTFS volumes found" and it won't let me continue.


I can run a cmd prompt and go to diskpart, type list volumes and see that there are NTFS volumes on the disk. Even if I clean the disk with diskpart, reboot, and let the task sequence format it prior to the UDI wizard popping up, it still does not have any volumes to choose from.




If i begin the deployment from inside windows it works correctly, however i'm more interested in using this from PXE as our workflow doesn't need to backup data with USMT or anything.


I'm using SCCM 2012 SP1 CU3 and MDT 2013

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looking in the OSDSetupWizard.log it looks like the WMI query to find the volumes on the disk isn't returning anything


20:59:31.876 10-29-2014 2 WizardDialogController Page 'Volume': About to show page.
20:59:31.876 10-29-2014 2 TSVariableRepository Loaded variable '_SMSTSBootUEFI'. Value = 'false'
20:59:31.891 10-29-2014 2 WmiRepository Connected to the WMI namespace root\cimv2
20:59:31.891 10-29-2014 1 WmiRepository Ran the WMI query: SELECT DeviceID,InterfaceType FROM Win32_DiskDrive where InterfaceType != "USB" and InterfaceType != "1394"
20:59:31.891 10-29-2014 1 WmiIterator About to execute Next
20:59:31.891 10-29-2014 3 WmiIterator Error 0: Next result available
20:59:31.891 10-29-2014 1 WmiRepository Ran the WMI query: ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID='\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0'} WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition
20:59:31.891 10-29-2014 1 WmiIterator About to execute Next
20:59:31.907 10-29-2014 3 WmiIterator Error 1: Next result available
20:59:31.907 10-29-2014 1 WmiIterator About to execute Next
20:59:31.907 10-29-2014 3 WmiIterator Error 1: Next result available
20:59:31.923 10-29-2014 2 Volume Page Warning: No Fixed drives were found

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