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How can I deploy Service Packs using the Software Update Point


In this guide I will show you one way of Deploying Service packs using your Software Update Point in SCCM. In this example, I will deploy Windows Vista SP2 to our Vista Clients (both 32 bit and 64 bit). In a production environment, always refer to Technet for Best Practise.



Create a new deployment package


Expand your Software Updates node in ConfigMgr and Run a Syncrhonizaation by right clicking and choose Run Synchronization..


run sync.jpg


Once it is done, expland your search folders and expand your Windows Vista All Updates search folder. The Windows Vista All Updates search folder criteria are


* Product "Windows Vista Ultimate Language Packs" OR "Windows Vista"

* Expired No

* Superseded No


windows vista all updates.jpg


In the Look For drop down menu, type in Service Pack 2 Standalone and click on Find Now, you should see results similar to below.


sp2 search.jpg


Select all updates found in the search, right click and choose Deploy Software Updates


deploy software updates.jpg


Accept the License Terms




give your deployment a name like Windows Vista Service Pack 2 Standalone x86 x64




select our default All Microsoft Updates Deployment Template which we created when we setup the SUP


deployment template.jpg


choose to create a new deployment Package

give it a suitable name and description such as Windows Vista Service Pack 2 Standaloneand create a new folder for the service pack such as \\WIN-CILZXI45G1Q\patches\Service Packs\Vista\Vistax86x64Sp2


Tip: For package source, you can click on browse, then browse to your chosen server, right click on your patches share, create New Folder, give it a suitable name


sp2 package.jpg


Select your Distribution Point(s)




Select download software updates from the Internet and click next


download software updates from the internet.jpg


select your language and then set your schedule like this




review the progress (might take a while to download the Service Packs)




finally after a long wait, your 1.75GB of updates should be downloaded and provisioned



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Now that we have created our new Deployment Package lets deploy it !


Expand our Deployment Management node, and select our Windows Vista Service Pack 2 Standalone X86 X64 deployment management task


deployment management.jpg


Right click and choose properties, click on the Collection Tab and then click on Browse




Pick a Test Collection (which you must create yourself, and which must have some test Vista computers that you want to test this Service pack deployment on) and Click ok


all vista systems.jpg


click Apply then ok




you are now ready with the Deployment.



Monitor your Vista Test Clients to verify the Service Pack is deploying...


At this point, you must monitor your Vista Test clients to verify the Service Pack is actually deploying



you can do this by checking your WUAHANDLER.LOG file, it should show something like the following


Update (Missing): Windows Vista Service Pack 2 Standalone (KB948465) - English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish (cad30b29-e5a2-42ed-bcdc-501208b47b91, 102)

Leaf: 9170a993-e4a3-4211-a924-1e07060bf602, 102 Status: Missing


the (Missing) bit means that the update isn't installed yet, later in the log you'll see



Successfully completed scan.

Looking for update(s) to be installed in WUA metadata cache

No proxy information available, not setting proxy.

Going to search using WSUS update source.

Synchronous searching started using filter: 'UpdateID = 'cad30b29-e5a2-42ed-bcdc-501208b47b91' AND DeploymentAction = *'...

Successfully completed synchronous searching of updates.

Update(s) were found in WUA, now going to download binary files to WUA file cache

Flattening update tree...

1. Update: cad30b29-e5a2-42ed-bcdc-501208b47b91, 102 BundledUpdates: 1

Update: 9170a993-e4a3-4211-a924-1e07060bf602, 102 BundledUpdates: 0

Flattening update collection...

1. Update (Missing): Windows Vista Service Pack 2 Standalone (KB948465) - English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish (cad30b29-e5a2-42ed-bcdc-501208b47b91, 102)

Leaf: 9170a993-e4a3-4211-a924-1e07060bf602, 102 Status: Missing

Update(s) downloaded to WUA file cache, starting installation.

Async installation of updates started. WUAHandler 8/14/2009 10:46:33 PM 5132 (0x140C)

Installation progress of update (1) in percent: 0 Total Percent: 0


Installation progress of update (1) in percent: 100 Total Percent: 100

Update 1 (cad30b29-e5a2-42ed-bcdc-501208b47b91) finished installing (0x00000000), Reboot Required? Yes

Async install completed.

Installation job hresult code: 0x00000000.

Installation of updates completed.

No proxy information available, not setting proxy.

Update (cad30b29-e5a2-42ed-bcdc-501208b47b91) has finished the post reboot operation. HResult: 0x00000000.






service pack installing.jpg

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In the software deployment section, Tobie had a guide on doing the same thing by manually creating a package/program/advertisement. What are the benefits and drawbacks of doing it the two different ways? It seems easier to do it via the Software Update. Do you get more information returned about the successes/failures with one method compared to the other?





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