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Deploying .MSU failures

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Hi everyone,


We have recently been experiencing extremely slow domain login times in our org, upwards of 30 minutes. After opening a case with Microsoft on the issue they were able to identify it as an issue with WMI, which was resolved with this HotFix http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2775511


As this HotFix is not included with standard Windows Updates (because it is for enterprise/domain related issues), we would like to push it out with Config Mgr. I have tried this two ways:


1. Placing the hotfix on the SCCM server, and creating a Package that looks in that folder, and runs the command line wusa.exe hotfixname.msu /quiet /promptrestart


2. Placing the hotfix on the SCCM server, and creating a Package that looks in that folder, and runs a batch script Slow_Login.bat - which contains the command line CMD /c wusa.exe hotfixname.msu /quiet /promptrestart.


The result of both of these are the exact same - Config Mgr is reporting them as failures even though I have manually checked and all the deployed PC's received the update, and rebooted. The error we are seeing is either 10070 Program Failed (run time exceeded) or 10006 Error 2359302.


Upon investigating the execmgr.log file from one of these computers (which I understand logs the details of Package deployments) I found a few things. I have attached this log.


Any help on why these are showing up failed, or a better way to deploy .MSU packs, it would be greatly appreciated!


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That specific update can actually be deployed as an update using SCCM or WSUS http://blogs.technet.com/b/michaelgriswold/archive/2013/03/13/kb2775511-deployment-for-the-sccm-admin.aspx as it is availble in the Microsoft Update Catalog.

I normally use a script which can be used as well. http://ccmexec.com/2012/02/installing-multiple-windows-7-hotfixes-msu-with-sccm/


With the runtime execeeded what maximum runtime did you set? it takes a while to install that update as it contains 90+hotfixes.


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Thanks for the reply Jorgen, that script is something I will have to play with.

I did read of a few people deploying this by WSUS, which seems like a good solution.

What I have done is deployed it with the /norestart switch. This has returned much better results. The max runtime was set at 120minutes which should be plenty of time.


Regardless, it looks like the /promptrestart switch was causing some issues with the reporting back to sccm.

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