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GPO - Disable, Not Configure or Enable WAU : Need Some Clarification

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I have followed the Step-By-Steps for most of the process of setting up our SCCM environment. We even used the script to create the software updates groups.


We currently have the SCCM 2012 client deployed to all computers in our domain. All clients are then set to pull from their local Distribution Point. Each site has a Software Update Point and the Distribution Point located on the same server.


I have read that I need to "Disable" Windows Automatic Updates through a GPO to all clients that are controlled through the SCCM client. When doing this the client receives a "pop-up" message to configure WAU which allows them to change the time and settings. http://blog.configmgrftw.com/software-updates-management-and-group-policy-for-configmgr-cont/


However, the walk-through show that we need to point the clients to the WSUS server by configuring a GPO and then ENABLE WAU.http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5683-using-system-center-2012-configuration-manager-part-5-adding-wsus-adding-the-sup-role-deploying-the-configuration-manager-client-agent/


Do I Enable or Disable WAU through a GPO?

Do I configure the WSUS Server for each client to point to their local WSUS server? I'm assuming that if the SCCM 2012 client is controlling it then it doesn't matter what the GPO says as the local GP settings will apply.

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You do not need to configure a GPO for SCCM. When you add the software update point role to your WSUS server, we automatically configure the clients with that URL for scanning on their next policy retrieval.


Clients scan against the SUP/WSUS box for compliance.


more info :http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb680701.aspx


kind regard




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