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Question about Application Supersedence

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Quick question concerning application supersedence that I can't find the answer to. If I setup supersedence on an app will that relationship only affect machines that the app has been deployed to or will machines with the superseded app see that the version they have has been superseded and upgrade automatically.


I had a scenario where I setup supersedence on a version of Java and machines that were not in the collection it was deployed to started upgrading. However I had a few other things going on so I wasn't 100% that this was the cause of the random upgrade. for example "Allow clients to share content with other clients on the same subnet" was checked. But I believe that only comes into play if you have branch cache enabled and a machines has a policy telling it to request that deployment, correct?


Currently I want to test deploy an app that will have a supersedence relationship but I'm worried that machines not in the test collection will see this supersedence and start upgrading.


Hopefully someone can answer this for me. Typically I would test this in a lab, but I'm kind of short on time.

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Be very careful with the supersedence settings. There are definitely some "gotchas", where the app will deploy to machines that aren't even within targeted collection. See here:





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Thanks to both of you. I actually have the link that ludi posted but I didn't see anything in there definitively stating that supersedence will happen regardless of deployment target. I find it odd that supersedence is affected by NON required task sequences, major fail on Microsoft's end.


Looks like I will have to approach this from another angle and avoid supersedence for now.

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