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Credentials related doubt


Hi guys.


I'm just starting learning to manage SCCM. I have been playing with it since three days ago, and Im really fascinated with all it's capabilitys.


Now I'm learning how to deploy a Operating System. Everything is working fine, but I have a doubt regardin the security: Once that all the needed files have been deployed to the client machine, and the sequence task has been configured to automatically join to a domain... where are the domain admin credentials stored? I mean... I think that in some way the client needs to use the credentials that we have already configured them in the wizard.


In my company we are using SCCM for deploying OS. The use a HTA script in order to assign the OU based on the computer name, so I created a vitual machine, and when this hta script asked the computrname I swithed it off. Now, from another virtual machine, I added the previos virtual disk, and I managed to get that hta script. But...If I'm able to do this, I think that I will be able to get the file where admin domain credentials are stored. Am I wrong?


If they are stored somewhere, I supose that they are encrypted. But anyways... I'm sure there are a lot of things that could be done with it.


Please, could anybody explain briefly how security works in this case?



My english is quite basic, so please, let me know if you need me to explain something better.



Thanks in advance!!

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