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Copy SMS logs to share on currently deploying DP

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Hi guys,


We have a SCCM setup, with 12 DP's in 12 different countrys - i would like to copy the sms logs to the currently deploying DP.

How can this be done?


I have a Access based Emuration share on evey DP \\Server\OSDlogs$


I cant get this to work


cmd /c xcopy /E /C /I /Y %_SMSTSLogPath%\*.* %_SMSTSHTTP%\OSDLogs$


Is there any other variable i can use, to get the local DP unc path ?

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i dont get any errors in the log file, but the files is not getting copied over to the share - permission is set to everyone on the share


We want to this, so we can have some informations on every deployemnt.

i dont want all the logs copied to a central server in Denmark, i would like to get them copied to the local SCCM Site

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I would add SMSTSMachineName.


Nope, no access denied - But the variable SMSTSHTTP is given me http://DP- i need the UNC Path, and not the HTTP adress - is there any other variable i can use with instead ?


SMSTSPackageID would give me an UNC path to a given package location, but i cannot use that either as i only want the FQDN of the DP.


There is some informations here : http://venusingireddy.blogspot.dk/2013/07/sccm-osd-task-sequence-slow-package.html

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So you are going to have to create a share on each DP in order to capture this data. you can parse the DP name from the HTTP address.

Also keep in mind that you based on xcopy command above you will only ever has 1 set of logs on each DP.

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If you haven't already, integrate MDT 2013 with SCCM. Then create a new task sequence with MDT, this will prompt you to create the toolkit files and settings files packages. Copy this into your CustomSettings.ini file in the MDT Settings Files package directory:

Priority=DefaultGateway, Default






Then do your custom tweaks to the TS, whatever it looks like.


The SLShare property will copy all the log files after a deployment to the directory you specify. The SLShareDynamicLogging property will copy the log files to that directory specified, in real time, effectively enabling real time logging.


Add this as the last step in your TS to actually copy the log files (SLShare):



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