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Application Catalog notifications

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Thnx for answer. Script is a great idea, but i don't know which sql table or view contains this information. I want that the user to install software and I want that the admins receives e-mails with notifications about software installations from portal. It some sort of statistic

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To be honest, I think that's a very weird method to gather statistics especially because ConfigMgr logs everything in the database. Simply run a report on the information and pull the statistics you need.


To get the information you need you can use the Message ID from the Deployment Status of a deployment. Create a status filter rule based on that information and add an action that runs a script to sent the information via mail.

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I almost agree with you. But there is political side of the task. My boss wants that IT-manager who doesn't have sccm admin console receives e-mail informs that exact user installs from portal exact application. Could you give more detail information about status filter rule? And which would be Message ID when user installs application from portal?

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I do have to say that it will be easy to setup for old-school packages, as you can look the status message in the deployment status and based on that you can create the status filter rule (see also: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg712680.aspx#Config_Status_Filter_Rule). The new applications on the other hand don't work with status messages any more, but with state messages (like software updates). That means it will be tricky to get the information you're looking for.

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Old-school packages doesn't work with Web Application Catalog. What would be state message for action when user clicks install button for some application on Web Application Portal? I'm not sure that state message will deffers between situations when user requests app and installs it and when user simply installs app without request. I can parse ServicePortalWebService.log, but it contains information about installations on Web App Catalog with request and without it

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Old-school packages doesn't work with Web Application Catalog. What would be state message for action when user clicks install button for some application on Web Application Portal? I'm not sure that state message will deffers between situations when user requests app and installs it and when user simply installs app without request. I can parse ServicePortalWebService.log, but it contains information about installations on Web App Catalog with request and without it

Why do you say Package does work with the App Catalog? They do work and I use them all the time.

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