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Computername based on reservation in DHCP

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Hi Guys,


I couldn't find anything about this and I'm wondering if this is even possible. We have a DHCP server where we have all of our reservations. Is it possible to make the hostname of the computer/laptop I'm imaging based on the reservation name in DHCP? For example we have a reservation called PC-0191 and during imaging process we want to give it this computername.


Thanks in advance

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Since you only waited less than 3 hours before "bumping" this post, it must mean this is an emergency and therefore you should contact Microsoft support (CSS) directly. They will work with you to solve this issue.


Secondly, I'm sure that it can be done but it clearly is not a simple task, this will take a lot of programming and fiddling with security rights to get it right. My guess is that this will take someone ~1-5 days to create and test.


Start by figuring out how to query DHCP using VBS or PowerShell, once you figure that out you can move on from there.

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