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Recurring Entry in EasDisc.log

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Hello everyone. I've been using this forum to get answers for quite some time but have not been able to find an answer to this question -


I recently got my Exchange Server Connector in place and it appears to be working correctly. I am currently only using it to see how many devices are connected and have left all control with the Exchange server.

The question: In the EasDisc.log file I get the following entry every 60 seconds with the only difference in the entries being the time stamp -



INFO: Start to process wipe/policy http://xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.local/powershell. $$<SMS_EXCHANGE_CONNECTOR><12-22-2014 14:57:50.678+360><thread=5488 (0x1570)>
INFO: [MANAGED] Initialize: ExchangeServer http://xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.local/powershell, Account xxxxxxxxxxx\SCCMExchangeConnect, VerboseLog 0~~ $$<SMS_EXCHANGE_CONNECTOR><12-22-2014 14:57:50.694+360><thread=5488 (0x1570)>
INFO: End to process wipe/policy http://xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.local/powershell. $$<SMS_EXCHANGE_CONNECTOR><12-22-2014 14:57:51.091+360><thread=5488 (0x1570)>



Is there some sort of wipe request that is hung up on the Exchange server that could be causing this?


Any help will be appreciated.

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