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por fueg0

AutoDesk DWG TrueView 2015 and .net 4.5

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First, let me be frank - I'm pretty new to SCCM, and I'm trying to learn as fast as I can.


I have a need to install the DWG TrueView application, and one of the prerequisites is .net 4.5. I have an idea that SCCM can discover whether a prerequisite is currently installed, but I do not know how to accomplish this task.


So far, I have created a package for .net 4.5, which installs .net 4.5.1 and suppresses reboots. I followed the instructions here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee390831(v=vs.110).aspx to the letter. I found the full, offline installer for .net 4.5 (NDP451-KB2858728-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe) and renamed it to match the technet article. Following the instructions, I distributed the content, but did not deploy the package, as I do not want every Tom, Dick, and Harry installing this package. I had somoene yesterday install *every single package* from SCCM yesterday, but that's a story for another day.


Now that the .net installer is in SCCM, I created a simple batch script which calls the DWG TrueView setup file and run a silent install. So far, each machine I've looked at already has the full .net 4.5 framework installed, but I cannot guarantee that this will always be the case. How do I figure out if .net 4.5 is already installed or not? Is this something that Orchestrator can do for me?


thank you for your help!


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You could create a collection of all devices without .netframework 4.5

You could then send out the .net installer to those remaining machines.


This would ensure all devices have the pre-req.


Another option - instead of creating a package for the dotnet installer you could create a deployment using the newer application model.

This will then have a detection method. You wouldn't then have to worry about if dotnet is installed or not as the application model detection method first checks to see if the software is installed and if it is marks the deployment as already compliant, nothing else happens.

If the detection method is not compliant then the install runs and makes it compliant.

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The Installation will be retried according the deplyoment and evaluation cycle of your clients, until the Installation succeeds.

Side note: the first detection will fail until the next reboot after the Installation, because the value will not be updated before. So i would recommend to let the user interaction option untouched and the Client gets the Information that a reboot is required.

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