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Creating Dashboards in SCCM 2012

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Hello - I would like to create a software and hardware inventory dashboard using SCCM 2012. What are the best ways to accomplish this? I know there were add-ons availble for SCCM 2007, but need to know how to do it in SCCM 2012. Ideally without purchasing anything new, using only what we have.


Any thoughts are appreciated..



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There is no trick to this. You need to create a custom report (I recommend BIDS), which in the case is your dashboard. To make it useful make sure you included drill downs to show details for the data.


For example you can create a dashboard like this http://www.enhansoft.com/blog/new-system-center-endpoint-protection-scep-ssrs-reports-webcast, then drill down to another report detail report.

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