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MDT Database Credentials

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I;m trying to deploy OS in SCCM 2012.

I stucked with credentials promt for mdt database on MDT rule processing step.

Does anybody know how to disable it? I've added UserID, UserPassword and UserDomain into CustomSetting.ini in mdt settings package, but the credential window always appears.

How can I use something like bootstrap.ini in SCCM osd task sequence?

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ZTI Gather log says

Determining the INI file to use.	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
Using COMMAND LINE ARG: Ini file = DBCustomSettings.ini	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
Finished determining the INI file to use.	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
Using specified INI file = DBCustomSettings.ini	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
CHECKING the [CSETTINGS] section	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
Using from [CSETTINGS]: SQLServer = SR*****.com	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
Instance key not defined in the section [CSETTINGS]	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
Port key not defined in the section [CSETTINGS]	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
Using from [CSETTINGS]: Database = MDT	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
Using from [CSETTINGS]: Netlib = DBNMPNTW	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
Using from [CSETTINGS]: Table = ComputerSettings	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
StoredProcedure key not defined in the section [CSETTINGS]	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
DBID key not defined in the section [CSETTINGS]	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
DBPwd key not defined in the section [CSETTINGS]	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
Using from [CSETTINGS]: SQLShare = Logs$	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
Using from [CSETTINGS]: ParameterCondition = OR	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
Validating connection to \\SR*****.com\Logs$	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
DHCP is not enabled, assuming static IP address	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
Mapping server share: \\SR*****.com\Logs$	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:19	0 (0x0000)
ERROR - no credentials were returned from LTICredentials.hta, so no connection is possible.	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:50	0 (0x0000)
OPENING TRUSTED SQL CONNECTION to server SR*****.com.	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:50	0 (0x0000)
Connecting to SQL Server using connect string: Provider=SQLOLEDB;OLE DB Services=0;Data Source=SR*****.com;Initial Catalog=MDT;Network Library=DBNMPNTW;Integrated Security=SSPI	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:50	0 (0x0000)
Successfully opened connection to database.	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:50	0 (0x0000)
About to issue SQL statement: SELECT * FROM ComputerSettings WHERE UUID = 'B64E3442-8B0A-6561-503F-664EAD2AD6A7' OR ASSETTAG = 'No Asset Tag' OR SERIALNUMBER = 'VMware-42 34 4e b6 0a 8b 61 65-50 3f 66 4e ad 2a d6 a7' OR MACADDRESS IN ('00:50:56:B4:01:8C')	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:50	0 (0x0000)
Successfully queried the database.	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:50	0 (0x0000)
Record count from SQL = 0.	ZTIGather	24.02.2015 13:44:50	0 (0x0000)

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