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Planning SCCM 2012 hierarchy

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I have questions on hierarchy planning for our environment.


We have 30 location with 10 meg wan connections

Around 1000-3000 clients at each site....


Determining if I should use multiple primary and/or secondary sites or only one primary and multiple MP and DP....or even one primary and MP and multiple DP........IS THE BIG QUESTION.


What are the pros and cons of each?


Multiple primary.....

Using secondary......

Single primary......


I have read that the replication of the SQL databases to the CAS works great....until it doesn't ....and can be very difficult troubleshooting, mainly because it is not standard SQL replication.



Any sugestion would be appreciated

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One primary with multiple MP is probably the way to go with your environment.


For sure, you will need at least one DP by location.


What is your total count of devices? You said 1000-3000 by location (30). This is between 30K to 90K?


CAS replication is good but if you are able to fit in one primary. Do it! :)



System Center Dudes

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Thanks for the reply Nick


a more detailed devices list


19 sites with less than 700 each.....theses sites have a 10 meg wan

4 sites with less than 1000 each.....Theses sites have a 100 meg wan

2 sites with less than 3000 each....Theses sites have a 100 meg wan

3 sites with less than 300 each......these sites have a 100 meg wan

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