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Using a Fallback Status Point in 2012 R2 ?

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Im interested in using one in an upcoming deployment to monitor client installation issues but finding it difficult get information.


The following seems to only apply to sccm 2007.




Im interested in a few things namely:


- Is there an issue installing the role on an existing DP or does it need its own server ?


- Any pre-req's ?


- How is the information displayed or what information I do get from setting one up ? Is it in status messages or do I run reports or ?


- Does it generate much traffic (ie Will reporting to the FSP from clients at remote locations be an issue or do I need an FSP at each remote site?


any advice appreciated.

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  • It doesn't have to be a separate server, but do keep in mind that it's the most useful with IBCM and than you want to place it strategically and probably on it's own.
  • You can find the prerequisites here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg682077.aspx#BKMK_Win2k12SiteSystemPrereqs

  • There are reports available;
  • No, because you should assume that you're clients will be able to communicate as you would otherwise have bigger and different problems.

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