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Calling a Batch file using "%~dp0

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I read up that you need to use the "%~dp0 to specify your working directory to call a Batch file, but having some issues.

All I want to do is simply a background off the DP and place it a in a folder called Data IT on the C drive. The name of the background is called Servier-Sept-2013.jpg

Here is my information



Command Line : cmd.exe /c copy_wallpaper.cmd

Path of my Batch file : D:\SMSPKGD$\CA100026

Name of Batch file : Copy_wallpaper.cmd


md C:\DataIT

xcopy "%~dp0Servier-Sept-2013.jpg" "C:\DataIT"


It fails with an error message of 1. Only thing that comes to mind is that we have a GPO that creates the Data IT folder already







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