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Question about the build and capture Task Sequence

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and probably a dumb question, but Im confused what this process does. It seems to deploy a WIM from Installation source, then copy up that WIM and push a copy back to a share again, which you use within a task sequence. Why dont you just directly use the WIM from the installation source ?

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the idea is that you use this process to make changes to the standard wim, by introducing updates for example or installing apps, so the end result (the captured wim) contains not only the original operating system, but all the latest windows updates and a few key applications like office 2013 or similar...

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you can deploy updates during the task sequence, however in the case of say Windows 7 which has hundreds of updates, your deploy task sequence would take forever, so not a nice way to deliver OSD, for that reason you'd want to capture a 'gold' image once every quarter or so with as many windows updates bundled into it

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