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CutePDF Writer installs but OSD task sequence fails?

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Hi All,


So I am running SCCM 2012 R2 and have a task sequence set up to deploy Windows 8.1 which is successfully and then as part of the task sequence I install a bunch of basic apps, I have one app "CutePDF Writer" that installs successfully but the task sequence bombs out and reports as failed but when the machine boots the OS and apps are all installed correctly.


If I manually run the script to install the software it works fine on the desktop.


I am using the latest version of the app and using "cutewriter.exe /verysilent /no3d" to install the package.


Does anyone have ideas as to what could be the root cause?


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Your application is exiting with exit code 259 which is unknown to SCCM, thus the failure in the TS. You could simply add a continue on error on that specific task of the sequence or you can dissect the application and monitor it to see why its returning the 259 code. Check Google on the error code 259 there are some fixes for it.

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