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Software Update Point role is gone

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Yesterday we found that one of our DPs was not receiving packages, so we started digging around to find out why. In the process I discovered that the DP did not have the Software Update Point role installed. "Great!"


Nobody who has access has admitted making any changes to the system, of course.


Are there any known issues that might cause DPs to "loose" installed roles? I also discovered 2 DPs that no longer had the State Migration Point and Component Server roles installed.


I didn't think a DP could exist without the Component Server role...


Is there a bigger problem I need to be looking for in our system?


Configuration Info:

Single Site Server

27 Distribution Points deployed to remote locations

DPs all configured with Site System, Component Server, Distribution Point, State Migration Point, and until recently Software Update Point.


Please let me know if you need more details.




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To add to what Peter said, CM12 clients will randomly select a SUP to scan against, they ignore boundaries. Therefore a CM12 client might pick a SUP remote to them. Honestly once the initial SU catalog is download there is only minor traffic between the CM12 client and the SUP,.

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