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Disabling Drivers

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I've been having some issues installing the correct audio drivers for one of my models during a task sequence. During my troubleshooting I would disable a driver and then restart the OSD task sequence only to receive the same error from the driver when logging in.


My question is, when I disable a driver in its respective driver package, do I need to update the distribution point before restarting the OSD task sequence or will it just know to ignore the installation?


Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Disabling it should do it, without the need to update the package, it's worked for me before now.


Possibly picking up a different driver again?


With my sequences I've had similar issues so i narrow down what driver package installs what. maybe try creating a driver package for the specific model, and add in an OSD query to then use only the driver category you specify - example of what i use attached.


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Thanks for your response Apexes. Wasn't sure or not if it was necessary to update the DP.


I'm with you, in my Apply Driver package steps I do have WMI query to only install if the machine model matches that of the driver package. Works great. I was just more or less having issues tracking down the specific driver inside my Optiplex 755 driver package that was responsible for installing a driver that "isn't supported for this OS" and pops up every-time the user logs in. This can be easily removed from the start-up but it's just a pain. I know that it's one of the sound drivers so now it's just going to take some trial and error to see which ones are needed and which one isn't.





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