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Setting up a 2nd Distribution Point using SCCM 2012 R2

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I am using SCCM 2012 R2.


Now the task I have to set up a VPN connection from my company to another Company which is a third party which I am going to setup soon.

After VPN Setup to third part company.


The whole idea is to setup a 2nd Distribution Point there in third party office, where It will be used as part of their imaging and building of our new Desktops and Laptops.


The Operating System for deployment is Windows 7 x64.


They will need access to see our DHCP Server, DNS, SCCM and at least one DC so they can add the machine they are building onto our domain.


Can someone help me how to setup all that.



Many Thanks in Advance

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Well first you need a server that hosts your DC, DHCP, DNS and is connected back via VPN to your main office.


Once you have established that and confirmed you are replicating correctly for AD then you can move on to adding the DP role to that server for your SCCM DP.


Another option would be to put hyper-v on that box and do a separate hyper-v server just for SCCM but you have additional licensing costs of a 2nd OS if you go that route. The benefit is you don't mess with your DC in any way for configuration though.


Cliff Notes:

1. Build out DC at remote location

2. Verify DC is operating correctly and AD replication is working

3. Either add DP role to the DC directly or go the hyper-v route and build out a separate system for SCCM.

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Thanks a lot for reply.


Most probebly i will go for to build a DC on Remote location.


How Heasy/Hard is to setup a Second DP on that Remote DC.


is there any usefull step by step guide avialble on any web to setup a second DP like that.



Thanks a lot for the Idea. It will really help me.

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