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Software Updates not downloading to source point

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I have just been given a Config Mgr 2012 R2 box to look after and I am having issues with Software Updates. Previous software updates show as downloaded and our regular endpoint updates are being downloaded and installed without any problems.


Creating new software update groups is fine but I get an error "Failed to download content id x. Error: the thread is already in background processing mode." when downloading the updates. Another member of staff has attempted to download and received "Failed to download content id x. Error: The process is not in background processing mode."


I can see the updates in the WSUS on the Config Mgr box, but the source path is not getting populated except for 1 folder even after 24 hours. I cannot see any errors in the wsyncmgr.log file (I can see some of the updates as skipped because it is up to date) and the patchdownloader.log file is only showing the endpoint updates being downloaded.


Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!




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