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NEWBIE: Queries Not Accurate. Outdated? Old Data?

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Hello all,

I started a new job less than a month ago and I'm using SCCM 2007 for the first time in my life. I was tasked with finding what computers don't have a particular software. I went into SCCM and luckily I found a query that was already set to show computers that don't have this particular software installed. However, when I ran it, I knew immediately it wasn't accurate. For starters, way too many computers showed up. Second, my computer was in the list and I have the software.


So at first I was looking at the query trying to make sense of it. I then ran a "All Client Systems" query which shows computer/server names along with the last logged on user. In looking at this list, I noticed it is no where close to accurate. The past weekend I had to shutdown our data center and I know I logged into several of the servers, but many of them still show the last logged on user was a guy that no longer works here and hasn't for over a month. One of the servers I just logged into 2 days ago, yet it still shows the guy that left over a month ago.


With all that said, I feel I need to make sure our SCCM environment is in good health and is accurately getting data from the clients before I can produce any sort of reliable report. However, not ever having any training on SCCM and not having used it in the past, I don't even know where to start. I can tell you this... When I go to Site db > Site management > site >Site settings > Site maintenance > Tasks... all of the tasks are enabled except for Clean install flag and Bcacku ConfigMgr Site Server. However, I have no idea what any of the other one mean.


Can someone at least point me in the right direction to getting my SCCM environment to being reliable?




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CM07 will only report what is within the database, if there are issue within in the database on what is on the client you need to dig into the problem. The simplest solution is to force a Full hardware inventory cycle on all client. Here are some blob post to review.


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