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Software update not required, windows update shows required

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We are in the process of a n environment wide patch remeidation effort. An issue I am running into is that if we run windows updates manually updates are listed important updates. When I push the same update via SCCM is comes back with a status of not required. Why is there the discrepency? Is there anyway to force an install of "Not required" updates? The goal would be that if windows updates was run manually it would find no important updates

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logs can help you to check what is required and what is not.check wuahanlder.log,updatestore.log and updatesdeployment.log .

More info about software update troubleshooting.read this post http://eskonr.com/2015/04/sccm-2012-troubleshoot-client-software-update-issues/

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While that makes sens in some ways it doesn't in others. The clients grab all new patch tuesday updates and install with no problem. This tells me they are communicating fine with the SCCM server...It is when applying older catchup patches that we see it. For example KB3032655


Yet if I go to those PC's and run windows update manually from Microsoft it tells me it is an important update

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