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SCCM 2012 Client Certificate (PKI) Value is None

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Hello WN community! I have a bit of stumper I was hoping to get some feedback on! Let me know what you think...



We're running SCCM 2012 now for a little over a year, problem free. We've noticed however, that randomly (about 10 out of 1000 clients) the SCCM Client is reporting that the PKI certificate is none.




What's stranger still, is that in the ClientIDManagerStartup.log, it doesn't appear to have an issue detecting and selecting the PKI certificate...
Directly after the client selects the Cert, the ClientIDManagerStartup.log fills up with this repeating for ages
I have ran a repair on the client, same result. I checked to see if perhaps the clients were stuck in provisioning mode, and they're not. Sort of at a loss of what to check next! Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Are you 100% sure the client is installed correctly? I see this on my clients when the install has been corrupted.


I usually fix it by:


Stopping WMI service

Stopping CCMExec


SC Delete any sccm services (ccmexec, smstsmgr, cmecservice, ccmsetup)

Delete C:\windows\ccm, C:\windows\ccmsetup, C:\windows\ccmcache, C:\Windows\SMSCFG.ini


Go into regedit and remove:





Then restart WMI, and reinstall the client. You shouldn't need a reboot to complete this.

Once this has been done the client should install ok and it should pick up the cert.

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