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Updating OS Images and distribution Query

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Hi All,


Once a quarter we create a new Win7 build and capture the image WIM. We rename the original WIM from Win7.wim to something like Win7_olddate.wim and the new image will be called Win7.WIM.

We then use the following steps to get the new OS content on SCCM:


In administration\Distribution Points we removed the content from the site server and from our two DPs

Wait for the logs to show the content has been removed

In software library\Operating System Images we find the Image, go to properties, images and then reload.

This updates the image properties with the newly update WIM image.

Finally we distribute the content to the site server and to the DP.


Everything seems to work and the logs shows no errors but when we then build a machine it is using the previous version of the image.

The only way that seems to work 100% is for us to delete the operation system image under software packages and then add it again. This updates the image ID and then when we distribute the content and build the new image gets applied.


I'm wondering why we are going wrong. We used to follow the same process on SCCM 2007 and it worked fine but in 2012 it doesn't seem to like our process.


Any tips or advised would be appreciated.


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