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App-V app delivery on VDI slow, and in batches

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We have had serious issues with deploying app-v applications to our VDI machines. Most of these have been solved by updating to the recent SP2 for SCCM (R2 SP1) and App-V 5 SP3, and some other minor tweaks. However it still takes to much time for all applications to be available.


Our environment consists of:


SCCM 2012 R2 SP1

Horizon View 5.3

Windows 7 x64 VDI clients

App-V 5.0 SP3


When a user logs on to a vdi, it takes about 1-1,5 minute after the desktop is available before SCCM starts deploying user/group assigned applications. This is about a minute too long, but usable. However, usually only 1 or 2 applications are listed in Software Center and get installed.


To get the rest of the applications, the user either has to wait between 10 to 60 minutes before SCCM continues with the other applications, or the user has to trigger the application deployment action via the configmgr control panel resulting in installation of the remaining apps within minutes.


I have been looking at the log files but I just cannot see why it waits so long. Using policyspy from the configmgr toolkit, I can see that all the advertisements are listed under the requested tab. So the client should know there are more apps available.


What I do see, is that SCCM does not see the VDI clients as a floating nonpersistent VDI: Machine Changes Persisted = Yes. Not sure if that has any influence on deployement speed.


Any ideas? Where to look, what to set?







PS. One of the highlights of SP2 was faster app-v application deployment, but I have no idea how to get that working... :(






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