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SMSTS.log will show you where it is erroring out, but really, we would need more information in order to help. Since they are "new" I'm guessing you're doing bare-metal imaging...so you're doing that via PXE?


If I had to guess, I would suggest your boot image needs the network driver imported in order to function in PXE...other wise, you'll PXE boot the workstation, PXE will launch, you'll get a couple status bars pop up once WinPE is loaded, but then the computer restarts due to a lack of network driver. Hence, it does not get formatted, it does not get the image, etc.

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Thanks for your response h4x0r.


SMSTS.log will show you where it is erroring out, but really, we would need more information in order to help. Since they are "new" I'm guessing you're doing bare-metal imaging...so you're doing that via PXE?


If I had to guess, I would suggest your boot image needs the network driver imported in order to function in PXE...other wise, you'll PXE boot the workstation, PXE will launch, you'll get a couple status bars pop up once WinPE is loaded, but then the computer restarts due to a lack of network driver. Hence, it does not get formatted, it does not get the image, etc.


This seems to be exactly what is happening. I need to inject the correct driver for NIC card on the new model. When trying to update the drivers I am getting failure errors. I have uploaded the drivers to SCCM but I am getting an error when trying to update the distribution points after adding them to the boot image.

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I would double-check that you're adding the correct architecture of driver to the correct boot image...meaning, you'll have a tough time adding a 64 bit driver to the x86 boot image :)


I'm trying to remember which log file it is that will show you the info you're looking for...my inclination is to look at distmgr.log (but that's going from memory, and might not be accurate)...aside from that, when you update the bootimage, it should give you a list of exactly which driver is failing to be imported at the Summary screen after you finish the updating DP process.

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How exactly far does it get? When you say "there is no NIC card after completion", do you mean completion of the entire sequence, or after it drops from PXE into full Windows (ie, after applying the image). If it is able to fully drop the WIM from within WinPE, you'll want to make sure you're also installing the correct drivers in your "Apply Drivers" step; make sure the WMI query is correct, drivers package is right, etc.


My guess is it drops the WIM fine, but you're skipping the "Apply Driver" step, so it has no NIC to continue.

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When you run the task sequence it installs the image, installs the drivers, then restarts.

You need to make sure the correct drivers are in your driver package not in the boot image.

Since your task sequence is starting you already have the correct drivers in your boot image.



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Just curious if you ever got this resolved...it is possible that on your prior models, the drivers were already included in your Windows install that was captured, hence why you might not have needed an Apply Drivers/Apply Driver Package step.

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