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Site code mixup

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OK, here is a good one.



I have 4 sites.


I will list them and then give their domain and site code



central primary DOMAIN1 ST1


child Primary DOMAIN2 ST2


child Primary DOMAIN3 ST3


child Primary DOMAIN4 ST4



We like to manage everything from the central primary site DOMAIN1 ST1


I started to update some old SMS2003 agents in the DOMAIN4 ST4 area with the new 4.0.xxx configuration manager agent before the errors started showing up.


On the central primary site, we have some collections that were created for the DOMAIN2 ST2 area. The collection for all the servers in that domain. They usually show up just fine. name, domain, and site code. There are 300 servers in that collection.


Just yesterday, I noticed that 40 of the servers in that collection started to show everything normal, except they had their site code listed as ST4!!! This is all at the central primary site. Everything at the child Primary DOMAIN2 ST2 looks fine. Its just at the central primary site when I look at that collection that was made at the primary site for that domain, that 40 of the servers are showing the correct domain, just the wrong site code, ST4


How can this happen? Is there an action I could have done to cause this behaviour. I have updated the collection membership I don't know how many times.


Hopefully, someone has some insight to this.





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