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Prestaged computer account not used

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I do trying not to use Unknown Computers for PXE boot, but create computer account in SCCM (MAC & BIOS GUID, correct collection), so it boot with the image that is assigned to this collection.


Works fine. But once the SCCM client gets installed on the machine & it registers itself with SCCM, but a completly different object gets created with EXACTLY same name, but different GUID



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I have retested my syspreperd image. Removed smscfg.ini & certificates.

Removed Computer object (from my previou try) from SCCM.

Re-created pre-staged computer object with MAC & GUID (from PXE boot screen 421... )

Machine boots to desired PXE boot image


Machine gets re-registered with SCCM with different GUID to the prestaged object (exactly same as per first post 9DA... )


Name & MAC address of the "new" registered machine are identical to the prestaged computer object (only GUID is different)


It makes no sense to me...

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