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Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 10532 for PC

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We are releasing a new Windows 10 Insider Preview building to the Fast ring today: Build 10532. As always, there are bug fixes and improvements in this build over 10525, but also some new features we are very excited to share with Insiders.

Improved Context Menus

We’ve heard feedback about the consistency of menus within Windows 10, so we’ve made some changes to improve these and give them a modern look at and feel. We are still working on it, but you’ll see some good changes with this build. We’re also further unifying the light and dark theming across the OS and are looking forward to you trying these latest changes and providing additional feedback.




more details > http://blogs.windows.com/bloggingwindows/2015/08/27/windows-10-insider-preview-build-10532-for-pc/#.Vd9p41T5hSc.facebook

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