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Deploy a dual boot

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Hi there,


My manager ask me to rollout the Surface 3 with a dual boot. One Partition is member of a workgroup and the other one is member of the company domain. I need to deploy 350 surface's 3.

For the domain partition there is no problem to deploy it via SCCM 2012 but how can I deploy the workgroup partition?


Thanks for your time and answer(s)



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Hi Garth,

The domainpartition have access to fileshare, printers, email,... which are installed into a corporate domain. The other partition is installed as workgroup because she have no access to domain resources. The surface 3 will be used as electronic flightbag into the aircrafts of the company. The doamin partition will be used to replace the backoffice laptop of the pilot.

Hope it's clear for you? Can you explain me how I can resolve this issue with System Manager?





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What you are asking for is a complicated task, as such I would hire a CM12 ODS specialist to work on this with you.


I still don't understand your need to have a workgroup computer, IMO, it doesn't make sense. Why does it matter, that it is domain joined or not? My laptop is domain join but when I use it on a plane, it just can't access any domain resources. If I logon locally to laptop it would ask exactly like a workgroup computer. So, can you see why I don't understand your need.


BTW, CM12 itself doesn't support dual boot computers either, so if you are trying to manager it with CM12, you will like have issues.

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