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Get Distribution Point Content list

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I am familiar with Powershell but find the CM2012 cmdlets to be quite lacking. Being as my WMI querying skills are not that strong, I am looking for help in writing a Powershell WMI query (or script, if necessary) to get a list of content on a distribution point group. I can see it in the GUI, so I know it's there. I just can't figure out how to get it into a manageable list text format. I would like it to contain the following fields: Name,Type,Size (MB),Package ID. Any help would be greatly appreciated.post-31218-0-44454900-1441811946.png

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Thank you for your reply as this is truly useful information that I did not previously know. Unfortunately, nothing is logged when I click on the content tab. It logs up to the point that I open the properties dialog box of the DP group, but stops thereafter.

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Yeah, it looks like it runs all the queries when the properties are opened. This seems to be be the WMI query: SELECT * FROM SMS_DPGroupContentInfo WHERE GroupID="".


Another tip would be to look at the a WMI Explorer. This is an easy way to browse through WMI and find the properties that you need.

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Thank you, this is exactly what I needed to get the information! I am including the Powershell query that worked for me in case it is of help to anybody else:


Get-WmiObject -ComputerName SCCMSERVER -Namespace "root/SMS/site_AAA" -Query "SELECT * FROM SMS_DPGroupContentInfo WHERE GroupID='{DP Group GUID}'" | Sort Name | Format-Table -Property Name,@{n='Size (MB)';e={$_.SourceSize / 1KB -as [int]}},PackageID -Wrap

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