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Deploy Task dequenece with Updates

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Hi all ,


i have SCCM 2012 in my organization , the SCCM working perfectly if it's updates, deploy images, package , etc..


i though to be more clever and upgrade my images deployment , and i want to deploy images with updates , i know that it's possible ,


so i started with process and add these configuration :








Of course i deployed that task sequence to "Unknown Computer"


This is the error that i got:



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Did you deploy the software update group to "Unknwon COmputers"? you can also include the unknown computer objects (one x86 and one x64) in the collection you use to deploy software updates. otherwise it will not install any updates.

the all Software setting is used to include all updates that don't have a deadline.



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Hi ,

Yes, i deployed it to Unknwon computers ,

and it's always failed in step 2 ( Scan ) :

WMIC /namespace:\\root\ccm path sms_client CALL TriggerSchedule “{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000113}” /NOINTERACTIVE


the error is "error 0x8004100e "


i really don't understand why it's failed in scan process

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Assuming it's not an issue with you copying and pasting from your Task Sequence to here, the command you have has broken quotes. Re-type the quotes (") around the {000000} string.


My guess is you straight copy and pasted it from one of the many guides, and the quotes didn't translate correctly. You can also kinda see it in your screenshot, the quotes are too "small".


From my experience with this, though, you should first kick off a normal, canned "Install Updates" step. That, if you watch the logs, kicks off a number of events that tells the client to actually be able to do magical things in terms of Software Updates. Let it run through an entire "Install Updates" without the WMIC sorcery, then for the next steps do the "Scan for Updates" steps.

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Assuming it's not an issue with you copying and pasting from your Task Sequence to here, the command you have has broken quotes. Re-type the quotes (") around the {000000} string.


My guess is you straight copy and pasted it from one of the many guides, and the quotes didn't translate correctly. You can also kinda see it in your screenshot, the quotes are too "small".


From my experience with this, though, you should first kick off a normal, canned "Install Updates" step. That, if you watch the logs, kicks off a number of events that tells the client to actually be able to do magical things in terms of Software Updates. Let it run through an entire "Install Updates" without the WMIC sorcery, then for the next steps do the "Scan for Updates" steps.





what is the problem with command ?indeed , you right i copied the command from blog.

if the command is wrong maybe you have else command ?




from your experience what is the best order .1 install 2 scan ?

why kick off "Install Updates" ?


i'm ready to try your suggestions , but first of all i need to know what is wrong , the order or the command ,

I exhausted my efforts amount :o


Thank you ,

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