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Upgrading to 2012 r2 sp1

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Hi all


Quick question going through the upgrade to R2 sp1 and in my Prerequisite check its come up with a couple of warnings.


Just wondering if I continue with the upgrade will anything be effected in a negative way?


Backlogged Inboxes (check these and there's no major problem there)

SQL Server Security mode - we have it set to SQL authentication - recommended to operate in Windows Auth

Configuration for SQL server memory - SQL should have a max limit

SQL Server Process - unlimited memory usage


the last to i'll probally sort out after the upgrade our SQL is on the same box as our SCCM install.


Just wanted to make sure that the upgrade goes well don't want to have to restore etc etc





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I've written a guide for upgrading to ConfigMgr 2012 R2 SP1 with some known issues and general guide lines:




From what you're saying regarding the prerequisites checker messages, you should not run into any issues. But I recommend that you fix those SQL related warnings.

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Thanks for the responses, I've upgrade to 2012r2 sp1


Had a squeaky moment when the system came up with lots of critical warnings same as this




I disabled officescan and went fine.


I've now sorted out all the SQL issues everything else went fine.


Just trying to upgrade now to CU1 to fix the following


Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message 547, severity 16: [23000][547][Microsoft]

[sql Server]The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "CI_CurrentRuleDetail_CIID_FK". The conflict occurred in database "CM_DCC", table "dbo.CI_CurrentRuleDetail", column 'Setting_


Its a known bug and CU1 has a fix for it but running the upgrade and its prompting that the site mode is in warning,

How can I get my site out of warning mode so I can upgrade to CU1?

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