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Lenovo Driver Issues

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Hi All,


I've been having issues with lenovo drivers for a few days, I can PXE boot the machines, Select the TS i want to apply (Windows 7 or Windows 8.1) and it starts to run the TS, however it fails to join the domain or install any applications, ( I am however able to ping other things on the network the entire build process including when it is attempting to install applications) Once the TS has finally "finished" i'm able to login as a local account and the network appears to be working the NIC displays as a "Intel Ethernet Connection I218-LM" i notice the driver in the driver packs for these models is "Intel Ethernet Connection I217-LM" with I218-LM being a supported Model.



  • X250
  • T550
  • P500


Note: These TS's work with all our current Dell models fine.



SCCM Server OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 with kb2837108 applied

SCCM: 2012 R2 SP1 CU1

ADK: 8.1

Boot Image: x64 Version:6.3.9600.16384

TS OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8.1

Imported WinPE NIC from: http://support.lenovo.com/us/en/downloads/ds102312into Boot image.


Drivers: downloaded from here https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/documents/sccm-indexfor the below models, different driver package for Win7 and Win8 for each Model, drivers are distrubuted to the DP, and within the TS are applied as "Apply driver package" with WMI query looking up the Model number.


Has anyone else had this issue? or any idea how to resolve this?




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I am having a very similar problem with an X1 Carbon Model 20BT and have been fighting with it for two days.

Like you, all my other devices image just fine using the same task sequence.

I am sure it is to do with the driver for the Intel I218-v on-board nic but cannot verify that yet.

The worst part is that it takes so long to test a fix because I have to wait for the OS to install...


I will let you know if I figure it out.

Please let me know if you find anything.

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This is driving me mad, I've tried so many different driver versions for the Intel 1218(3)-LM driver, however after it installs the driver package in the TS and reboots, it spends a long time at at "starting windows" after it finally goes back in the TS it attempts to install the client then applications (while this is occuring i can ping the sccm server from the machine) - however it seems that the SCCM TS believes there is no network at this point as it doesn't join the domain or install any apps.


the TS itself works fine on dell models... it's just something odd with this Intel driver where it seems to almost half be installed...


Bump, anyone else had this?

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I solved the problem in my environment.

I had to apply a hotfix [Windows6.1-KB2837108-v4-x64.msu] to my Windows 2008 R2 Server to allow me to import the latest Intel I218-V driver into SCCM.

And thanks to Lars Lohmann Blem's Blog

Basically all I had to do was add a few Installation Properties to the Setup Windows and ConfigMgr step in the Task Sequence.

SMSMP=PrimarySCCMServer.domain,com FSP=PrimarySCCMServer.domain.com SMSCACHESIZE=10240

The most important one was using the FQDN for SMSMP=PrimarySCCMServer.domain,com

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Excellent news for you, however i already had that hotfix installed on my Windows 2008 R2 Server, i can import the driver fine into SCCM.


I tried adding the install properties you have into my TS step for "Setup Windows and ConfigMgr" however after it reboots it just sits in the "getting ready" windows 8.1 display image, almost as if its trying to inject/install the driver and fails so it finally roles back to a Microsoft driver then boots back into the TS, where according to the TS it doesn't have a network (however if i hit f8 and ping google or the SCCM server, it works fine, also i get a normal IP) it's a very very odd issue.


i noticed the digital signature on some of the drivers i've tried has expired about a month ago.. not sure if this could be the cause of the issue?

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So I'm checking the network usage during the build, the big spike happens during when the client is installed, then the network seems to drop off, it makes me think the client isn't installing correctly and therefore cannot download the packages to continue with the TS, however the same TS works fine and the client installs correctly on our dell fleet.

The step in the TS never actually completes successfully, it just skips it after awhile and continues to skip the remaining steps then finishes the TS.


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