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Assignment Schedule not working

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I would like to have my client PC's re imaged on a schedule (as I work in a school), lets say every 6 weeks.


I have created a collection to test my idea and I can get the PC's to re-image, but they continue to image again and again. I have obviously got the settings wrong in the scheduling tab.


At present I have the "Assignment Schedule" set to run daily at 14:00 and the "Run Behaviour" set to Never rerun deployed program (I will change this once I know it works)


I have set the Maintenance window for the collection to 12:00 - 15:00 to occur every 1 day during testing

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If you've set the schedule to run daily at 2pm, then your machines will image again every day at 2pm, may be why you're seeing it.


Go into assignment schedule, and click custom schedule, set it to every 42 days, and that'll be every 6 weeks it'll re-image.

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I'd think that's because when you re-image the machine, the execution history on the client is not preserved and due to the fact that there's a TS deployed to it and it is allowed to run it again during the maintenance window, it will re-run.

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