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CAPTURE Image on Client

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Hi All,


I got a problem with capturing an image on the client machine.


1. BUILD Image OS - successfull, the OS will be Installed normaly

2. Advertise CAPTURE Image - successfull

3. CAPTURE Image installed corectly on the system (need to reboot)

4. Boot Method normal - "abort pxe boot" should start normaly. He starts BUILD Image OS one more time, and reinstall the whole client - i dont know why.

5. The CAPTURED Image cant be found on the SCCM Server - as he wouldnt saved it. :S


I paste some prnt scrns of the BUILD and CAPTURE task sequence, i dont know whats the error. the capture task sequence works, he says : installation completed, need to restart. but after restart how already said - he starts the BUILD task sequence although he ABORT PXE boot :S what happen ?






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4. Boot Method normal - "abort pxe boot" should start normaly. He starts BUILD Image OS one more time, and reinstall the whole client - i dont know why.


check your program rerun behaviour for the advertisement, it should be set to Never rerun....

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I deed it in one task sequence and it Works fine :D


What Anyweb tells can be the problem.

If you see in Software distribution --> Advertisements and right click on the TS an click properties.

The program rerun behavior has 4 options.



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hi thanks for the tipps,


but now i got an other problem, i couldnt receive the capture tasksequence anymore i dont know why, i installed now the OS (build task sequence) but the adverstisted CAPTURE tasksequence dont start :S i wait now about 1-2 hours nothing happend, i already tried 3 time with reinstall OS... but the capture task sequence dont arrive at the client :S i dont know why


any tipps ?'


thx guys

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