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CAPTURE Image on Client

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You need the following steps (like it say's on my blog):

  • •Join Workgroup - This step is necessary when the Reference Machine is joined to a domain
  • •Prepare ConfigMgr Client - This step is necessary to clean the ConfigMgr Clinet on the machine
  • •Prepare OS - This step is necessary to Sysprep the machine
  • •Capture the Reference Machine - This step is necessary to do the Capture

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ah okay, that means not directly join a domain in the capture task sequence - just join workgroup, but before the CAPTURE TASK SEQUENCE comes, he is already in the domain - i need him to be in the domain otherwise he dont get the tasksequence...


yes but by prepare os comes an error how posted before this --> 0x000000004


and by the capture reference machine step, also error ---> 0x0000000032


so what im doing wrong ?

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Thank you


Okay if there is a boundary with the specific IP range where the users are, they can get advertisments also when the havent joint a domain jet right ?


ok first i have done a "IP SUBNET BOUNDARY" (picture 1) but after saving that, i click on "properties" and the IP's which i filled in, were deleted (PIC2) automaticaly...


this everytime i filled it in, so i deleted this boundary again.. and make a boundary as "IP RANGE BOUNDARY"(PIC 3)its ok like this - can i let them be so ???


now how to make the CAPTURE taks sequence that i in future get no error? u said sysprep i dont have to do by WINDOWS 7 ? or has it to be pointed in the BUILD task sequence? (when yes what do i have to do ?)


and whats about the error 0x00000032 by capturing the reference machine ? cant i disable all the steps except this one ? u wrote all steps have to be done for capturing right ?


please help m8




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When a machine is within the Boundary (AD Site or IP Address) of a Site it can get Advertisements.


Windows 7 has the sysprep tools by default (C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep). It is not possible to only use the step to Capture the machine because the other steps are needed to join a workgroup, to prepare the sccm client and to sysprep the OS.

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Okay thats good thx


But have the SYSPREP path to be pointed in the BUILD task sequence ?? in the CAPTURE tasksequence they are no option for the sysprep step what to do ?


okay i join workgroup with the clients and enable all steps in the CAPTURE task sequence and gonna look if it works, but i need to know if i have to point in the BUILD task sequence the path to sysprep ??????


thanks mate

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okay so i delete it again,


the thing is i had SCCM 2007 SP1 - i upgradet to R2 but, the version in SCCM show 6221 that is SP1 althought i installed R2, but the BUILD of WIN7 works so i thing its correctly installed...


but you saw i had an error by SYSPREP step ind the CAPTURE task sequence if you watch the printscreens so whats the error when he should find it himself ?????


error 0x00000004


pls help

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