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CAPTURE Image on Client

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Think about it like this: When you setup ConfigMgr, you set it up to manage clients. Then ask yourself the question, which clients does it has to manage?


When it's only there to manage clients from the AD, then it's enough to use the AD Site as a Boundary for your ConfigMgr Site. But when you need to manage clients that are not in the AD, you have to figure out where they are. This could indeed be a IP Range/ Subnet. When that's the case then use that as Boundary (too).

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ok but my clients are in the AD, and the boundary shows to the AD site... that means sccm know that i have 2 client in ad that you mean or ?


or do i missapprehend you, if yes can you show me an example print screen of the boundary how i have to do this to point on the clients in the ad, bcs i have a boundary AD Site but this point just to the AD not directly to the OU (computers) you know what i mean ??



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no i never created a sysprep... can you tell me how to do this ?


i tried it know with disabling the one task of the sequence where the error came, bcs i just want to SAVE the configurations on that client that i can use them for other clients, i actually need nothing except "CAPTURE IMAGE"


but an error came again


watch it please... you know whats wrong ??





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You need to Sysprep the machine first before you are able to capture the machine... There is a step Install Deployment Tools that you can use to copy the sysprep package.


When you are trying to capture a W7 image it already has the sysprep package.


Take a look at this post: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/How-to-create-a-Capture-Only-Task-Sequence-with-ConfigMgr-2007.aspx

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yes im triing to capture WIN 7 image....


i read thru your site, but what i have to configure if i just want to CAPTURE the reference machine ??


this step i also have done --> Allow users to run the program independently of assignments


my settings looks like this - something wrong ?? thank you peter




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