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Wildcards in DCB item.

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I am wondering about creating a DCB item that will query a registry key that varies across the network. The key is an installation date, therefore it changes for every server.


Should I approach this in a different manner?


Thank you.


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Internal fixes are distributed and a registry key is created with the date. Inside each date key it lists several string values that I'd like to evaluate (e.g. FixName: Nov15FixVer1.0 and FixInstallDate: 11-01-2015)

My issue is instead of creating the registry key with a standard name it's generated with the installation date.


So if I want to run DCB on all servers with, for example, all computer that have the Nov15FixVer1.0 I need to have a wildcard in in the registry key value.

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Why don't you just look for FixName: Nov15FixVer1.0, instead?

I know that I'm getting my first coffee, but IMO it would make more sense to Create REG keys like. HKLM\Software\<companyname>\Updates\Nov15FixVer1.0 then have keys under it.


The only way to do wild cards like this is to use a script to detect if the SU is applied or not.

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I don't think I can create the item value HKLM\Software\Company\Updates\20150101\FixName\ where 20150101 changes.


Yes, this is definitely a better REG key value; this was not thoroughly thought out initially. My next step will be to create a ps that will search for each entry and create a standard REG key.


Thank you for your quick reply.

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