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SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 - Pre-Provision Bitlocker Windows 7 Cannot Read Drive after reboot

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I have a task sequence that was working prior to updating to 2012 R2 SP1 and was working post SP1 until I changed boot images. From 8.1 ADK 6.3.9600.16384 to Windows 10 ADK 10.0.10586.0.


Now, after applying the OS image(Win 7 Ent x64 Sp1), pre-provisioning Bitlocker, and rebooting winload.exe throws an error, 0xc0210000, and says it cannot decrypt the drive. I made sure that the correct partition is getting encrypted. It's set to the OSDisk variable which is the C: drive of the OS image.


I've tried using both the new and old boot images. Both show the same behavior. The task sequence doesn't report a failure just that the OSD is still in progress.


What do I do? Disabling pre-provision and just enabling bitlocker later would add too much time to my image deployment.


Edit - Tried creating a new Task Sequence and it is showing the same behavior.


Here's a screenshot of the task sequence in case there is some step I'm missing. I went ahead and disabled bitlocker pre-provisioning and enabling, just so my helpdesk can move forward with imaging. It's most a standard MDT task sequence.



Edited by mkesler80

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I started running into this as well... looks like this is the issue... but haven't found a good fix yet short of disabling pre-provisioning like you did...

**Windows 10 1511 (build 10586) includes a new bitlocker encryption, XTS-AES encryption algorithm, which cannot be read by earlier versions of Windows.. so that is most likely the reason.**

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