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SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 TS Media Failure

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I am currently using SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 CU1 integrated with MDT 2013 Update 1 and ADK 10. No matter what machine I use or account I use, I cannot create boot media, capture media, no boot media at all. I get the same error not matter what,


I have not seen any other issues, OSD is good, application and packages are good, windows updates are good. Not sure what is the deal here.


Media Creation failed with error message 'A certificate is missing or has an empty value for an important field, such as subject or issuer name,'


I have attached the CreateTSMedia log.. I am stumped...


Could not find the trusted root key of site XXX in WMI

Failed to create media generator (0x800b0108)

CreateTsMedia failed with error 0x800b0108, details=''

CreateMedia.exe finished with error code 800b0108


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Yeah, but what cert.... Like I said, no other issues are present, I can still PXE fine, no other features in SCCM are failing.... Component statuses are fine.. The only post I can find on this talks...


"An ACE was corrupted on the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA folder. Fixed the permissions and it works now."


Ok, at a glance, the permissions look fine, and compared to an article on tech net for the permissions to this folder, it looks like I am good. There are not many clues to work with on this issue...

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The issue is now resolved. I opened a case with Microsoft, and we worked on it this morning. I am not entirely sure yet how this all related, but the tech I worked with was going to send me some blog info on it....

Apparently in SCCM 2012 R2 SP1, not sure if this applied to other versions, but this is my version..., Under Administration > Security > Accounts...

You are limited to the number of accounts you can have. Each account takes up a certain amount of space, and you are allocated 32kb of space. I told the tech the time frame of the incident, then he saw the accounts, and I advised him that yes, those accounts were added after the last successful media creation. We had just created a bunch of new accounts because we were bringing in our DMZ to SCCM, and they are all untrusted domains, so we needed to make accounts for each domain. ended up being a lot...

So we ended up removing a few accounts that we have not allocated anything for yet. There were 30 accounts in there. Once we removed the few accounts, the error went away and we were able to create media again.... Like I said, not sure how it relates yet, but I will be looking at the blog when he sends it to me... And I have talked to the techs in the DMZ about consolidating the accounts, because that was an abnormal amount of accounts they set up...
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Thanks for talking the time to post this fix, I've been trying to figure out why this started happening in our environment for the past week. Was just about to give up and call Microsoft when I saw this post, removed a few unused accounts and bingo! it's working again.


If the guy sends you the blog I'd be interested to read it as I'm curious why this would cause that error. Only thing I can think is that it's causing issues when it submits request for the site control file, if that contains the list of accounts it could be causing the root key to get truncated of the end but seems odd that it would only impact media creation.

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