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please vote up this idea on UserVoice !

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hi all,

this is a good idea, I'd appreciate if you could add your vote (or 3) to it !


thanks !






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Actually i'm not sure if like this idea.


"Such feature instantly allows admins to see which computers are available/online/offline, without having to run a report or ping the Computer" <---- It just shows you a snapshot depending on the state Messaging Report cycle, which is no real time Status. The Information would be not reliable. It would give you a hint, OK ... but still ....

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depends on how it's implemented and at what frequency it checks, i'm guessing it will use the Notification feature (fast track messaging sub system between site and Client)

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Actually i'm not sure if like this idea.


"Such feature instantly allows admins to see which computers are available/online/offline, without having to run a report or ping the Computer" <---- It just shows you a snapshot depending on the state Messaging Report cycle, which is no real time Status. The Information would be not reliable. It would give you a hint, OK ... but still ....


The product team demo a POC of this at MMS. it used the fast channel data to know if a computer is online. in worse case, it will be a max of 60 seconds out of date and that is only if the computer was disconnected from the network.

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Thanks for the info. That would be indeed a nice feature to have. I'm still a little bit worried about the traffic overhead and the performance impact while browsing several collections in a short time span.


Actually there is no extra network overhead between CL12 clients and site server because fast channel already exists within CM12 SP1. As for the collection, since you are already querying the CM database, there is only minimal overhead with respect to keeping the results updated.

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