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icacls problem



I have Windows 10 v1511 Enterprise 64 bit.

I noticed that the icacls "<Home_directory_path>" /inheritance:e /Q /T /C /L command, applied to the home directory of a directory structure, is run only the first level of the structure. Why?

How do I run it automatically in all the levels below?


I also noticed that if I write the icacls "<Home_directory_path>" /reset /Q /T /C /L command, it goes in a loop. Why? What should I write in order to avoid this?





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Apparently, the commands




takeown /F "<Home_directory_path>" /A /R /D S /SKIPSL
icacls "<Home_directory_path>" /reset
icacls "<Home_directory_path>" /reset /Q /C /T /L
pushd "<Home_directory_path>" && ( rd /S /Q "<Home_directory_path>" 2>nul & popd )



reach my goal but the third command goes in loop and, to stop it, I have to press Ctrl+C. Why?



How do I do that the third command does not go in loop?







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I think I found the best solution to remove a directory structure which also contains symbolic links and with ACLs managed by TrustedInstaller or Authenticated Users or System users:



takeown /F "<Directory_path>" /A /R /D Y /SKIPSL >nul 2>&1
icacls "<Directory_path>" /reset
icacls "<Directory_path>" /grant:r Administrators:(OI)(CI)F /inheritance:e /Q /C /T /L >nul 2>&1
pushd "<Directory_path>" && ( rd /S /Q "<Directory_path>" 2>nul & popd )





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