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Windows 10 Task Sequence, variables refuse to run

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I am working on creating our Windows 10 images for our company. I have everything in place as far as a reference image and driver packages created. I created the task sequence for our win 8.1 image, copied it, and then changed the driver packs and the image being installed. The base image will run just fine. I have several task sequence variables in this task sequence. The variable is called "CompSequence". You can put a number into this variable that will install software that is specific to each team in our company. The issue is when I put the number for a certain team into "CompSequence" variable the software for that variable is not installed and seems to just be ignored. I have reviewed some logs but I am unable to find a exact reason the variables are being ignored.


Has anyone else run into this issue or can offer some assistance? I am using a Surface Pro 4 and a HP Elite X2 as my testing devices.





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I have a variable named CompSequence. The values are numbers for this variable. Depending on what number is chosen there will be specific software installed for that job role. I have found with more testing that sometimes it works they way I want to, sometimes its completely skipped, and sometimes a portion of the software for the variable value chosen will install. It is not consistent and I am having a real difficult time finding anything in the log files to why this is happening.

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