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Need some advice for deploying a WIM



I'm looking to create a sequence which installs Microsoft Windows XP SP3, Office 2003 (7), Adober Reader 9 and a few other local apps. I have created a base WIM file for just Windows, and added a task for installing each subsequent piece of software however this proves to be a slow way of doing it.


SO, I created a new build with this software already installed and captured it using IMageX. I have the WIM file and can deploy this to a device, however i want it to automatically join it back to the domain with the old computer name. This is where the issue starts...


The WIM image is name WIMCapture and not joined to a domain (as was good practice when creating a ghost image) so now when i run the task sequence it calls any machine WIMCapture and doesnt join it to the domain, despite the task sequence and SYSPREP telling it to do this otherwise.


Can anyone shed any light on the best way for this to be done? I want a base image, which I can deploy the OS and basic apps in which joins back to the domain, with no end user input.




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are you using an Configure Network option in your task sequence to join the domain ?




Yeh I am, it's also in the sysprep.inf about joining to the domain. THe thing i had forgotten to do, is manually sysprep the image before capturing the WIM, so i will try that today and update this post.




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