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Copy file to device fails.

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Hi all,


Im trying to do a straight forward copy process during the task sequence.


First I tried to place the file in \\SCCM_Server\Sources\packages\ and use a run command line function calling xcopy "fqdn_file location" "c:\programdata\folder\folder" but that failed with cannot find the file specified.


Then I tried creating a package with no program. The package has the file in, has been distributed, and I am again using the Run command line but this time I am selecting the package option and choosing the package I created with the command line of copy "%~dp0filename.xml" "C:\Programdata\folder\folder" but that doesnt work either.


I tried without the %~dp0 as ive only just discovered that but that dont work either.


The smsts log returns


<![LOG[Failed to execute command line 'copy "~dp0anyconnect_GroupUK.xml" "C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Profile"' .
The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows)]LOG]!><time="11:30:18.403+00" date="03-17-2016" component="InstallSoftware" context="" type="3" thread="5028" file="runcommandline.cpp:562">
I need to also copy a batch file to the desktop to complete the build process after windows installs.
Does anyone have and experience of this they can share?

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the TS is running under SYSTEM account, therefore doesn't have access to that share folder. You need to change that step to run under a specific account (like a service account or your personal account). Let us know how it goes...

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